Wednesday, January 4, 2012

League of Legends: Kayle

Another of my favorite characters in LoL, Kayle. The original line art for this was done with Morgana beside Kayle, but I preferred to color my more favorite one and this was the outcome.

League of Legends: Sona

A fan-art of one of my favorite characters in League of Legends. I like my lines but in hindsight my coloring could use more work.

Sumer Fun

Another of my older works from 2010, sadly due to school I was unable to upload this before.
This was supposed to be a Power Girl fanart/pinup using a photo reference from google. Personally I'm not happy with this work's background, might redo this sometime in the future

Old works

The picture above was done during my first year of college. This painting is done by painting over a picture of the Japanese bullet train, making it into a stylized cartoony work.


School has bogged me down for the past year so let be restart this blog by posting my most recent matte painting.

This is a concept art for my thesis; this is a matte painting of my vision of a post apocalyptic Philippines. The base photo is an old picture of Ayala Avenue in Makati City, and the rest is digitally rendered with a mix of digital painting and textures.